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21st Congress of the IEA "HFE in the Connected World - L'Ergonomie 4.0", June 13-18, 2021, Vancouver, Canada (Web-Conference)


Scientific Symposium on "Machine and System Safety in Digital
Transformation" of the ISSA-Section Machine and System Safety

Human factors and ergonomics (HFE) is challenged by machine and system safety under digital transformation calling for sound solutions suitable for application at the shop floor level. HFE challenges will arise with future human-system interactions referring to dynamics in task design, digitised interaction interfaces, and work system entities interwoven in networks. Work system design, i.e. enclosing operator work task, workplace, equipment and environment, seems promising, especially with prevention through design early in construction of today and tomorrow machinery and technical installations. The Human Factors Group of the ISSA Section Machine and System Safety compiled some design requirements and recommendations available in the given context. The Scientific Symposium aimed to support collection of HFE knowledge available, discussion with HFE experts potentially interested and suggestions for research required to increase HFE contributions to machine and system safety in digital transformation. Contributions from, discussions and cooperation with those interested in HFE and objectives presented are always welcome.

Presentations of the project group members:

Work System Design in Machine and System Safety with a Focus on Human-System Interaction
Peter Nickel, IFA, Sankt Augustin, Germany

Occupational exoskeletons: a new challenge for human factors, ergonomics and safety disciplines in the workplace of the future
Luigi Monica, INAIL, Rome, Italy

HFE In ever-changing industrial scenario
Era Poddar, MSA BC, Chilliwack, Canada

Machine and System Safety - not without Ergonomics! An explanation based on the ex-ample of the planning and the construction process of a new tram´s driver´s cabin
Michael Wichtl, AUVA, Vienna, Austria


Andrea Weimar
Institution for statutory accident insurance and prevention in the foodstuffs industry and the catering trade (BGN)
Mannheim, Germany


Members of the Project Group
February 2025

security.txt: Standardised contact information for IT security disclosures



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21st Congress of the IEA

Scientific Symposium "Machine and System Safety in Digital Transformation"
June 2021, Vancouver, Canada

Presentations of the Symposium


Publication List