Forum Prevention International
20-22 May 2025, Vienna, Austria
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The Website is maintained by non-commercial organizations from different countries, promoting occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises. It is based on the “10 keys to success” for small enterprises in the area of prevention. The site covers contents and tools which may be used in the practice of SMEs. Target groups are employees and employers in SMEs as well as stakeholders, such as teachers. The organizations responsible for this site are interested in spreading all the information given on this site. Therefore, the contents may be used for non-commercial purposes. The Website was created in cooperation with the Special Commission on Prevention of the ISSA.
Vision Zero is based on the belief that all accidents, diseases and harm at work are preventable. On the commitment to Vision Zero companies and partners promote the three core values of this campaign: safety, health and/or wellbeing. Important: the Vision Zero approach is flexible. One can focus on health, on safety and on wellbeing issues depending on what is most relevant. With this flexibility Vision Zero is of benefit for all, for governments and health and safety organizations in any part of the world and for companies of any industry and any scale. The roadmap towards Vision Zero is formed by the “Seven Golden Rules” based on successful, practical management concepts.
With this website we intend to reduce the number of accidents caused by defeating of safeguards. Against the background of global markets, the problem of defeated safeguards is not limited to individual countries. An international exchange of information, measures and solutions relating to this issue is our target.
- Specific information directly accessible to the parties involved in this topic: manufacturers, suppliers and users of machinery
- Best practice examples
- Useful tools like checklists for the purchase of new machinery or apps to determine the incentive for defeating protective devices
Machinery safety online provides access to all relevant information that should be considered and applied for the design and placing on the market of machinery and components. You have access to the current legal text of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (formerly 98/37/EC) and to a current action guide (Application of the Machinery Directive). The contents provided in the action guide are a cooperation of the following institutions:
- DIN German Institute for Standardization e. V.
- Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee (NAM)
- Standards Committee Safety Principles (NASG)
- Section Machine and System Safety of the International Social Security Association (ISSA)
- BGN - Employer's Liability Insurance Association for Food and Restaurants, Mannheim
- Suva - Swiss Accident Insurance Fund, Lucerne
Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety
The new Encyclopaedia website is a cutting-edge global knowledge platform for sharing occupational safety and health (OSH) information and good practices. This online multidisciplinary book of facts and knowledge presents the general user with a panoramic view of the field. The Encyclopaedia was written and compiled by world class researchers and industry experts. It is the most comprehensive reference source on the subject and one of the flagship and widely respected publications of the ILO.