security.txt: Standardised contact information for IT security disclosures
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Human factors, ergonomics and safe machines
The working group reviews, selects, and presents design requirements and recommendations according to Occupational Safety and Health as well as Human Factors and Ergonomics. This is to inform about how to integrate Human Factors and Ergonomics design requirements into machinery construction, in workplace and equipment design and in human-system interaction in practice.
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Occupational Safety and Health aims at improving work systems design. Therefore, work system components and their interactions are designed to safeguard operational safety, effectiveness and efficiency of human-system interaction as well as to optimise human workload, which in turn will contribute to operational safety and health in work systems.
With some future work systems remaining unchanged, others in the context of digital manufacturing may develop into new systems. For Human Factors and Ergonomics as well as Occupational Safety and Health new challenges will arise as dynamics and interactions will be more predominating in function allocation, intelligent environments, human-centred design and safety measure requirements. Therefore, some future work systems call for emphasising human information processing with exchange of information variable and dynamic in time, quantity and quality as the basis for interactive processes in industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems.
Basic information as well as design requirements and recommendations will be given for work systems under digital transformation with specific emphasis on
Use Cases and Practical Examples
The diagram below guides across issues addressed under work system in digital transformation.