
Upcoming Events

22 – 25 September 2024

Dresden, Germany

September 2024

WOS 2024: BUILDING A RESILIENT FUTURE - Towards sustainable safety in a rapidly changing world

Participate in the international conference Working on Safety (WOS) by submitting your abstracts!

The call for abstracts for the international…

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09 October 2024

Tulln, Austria, and hybrid

October 2024

Symposium “Safe & healthy 5.0: Focus on the digital world of work”

The Austrian Workers' Compensation Board (AUVA) cordially invites you to the symposium “Safe & healthy 5.0: Focus on the digital world of work” as…

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March 2025

International Conference on Safety and Innovation, organized by INAIL and Section MSS, March 2025

Call for Paper is open:

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Past events

May 10th, 2023 | virtual

May 2023

Webinar "Leading and Managing Change", Manufacturing Safety Alliance of BC, Canada

In the past few years, rapid technology advances, remote work, and staffing and supply challenges have driven almost constant change. On the horizon?…

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2 May 2023 | virtual

May 2023

ISSA Webinar: Let’s talk about OSH – Have you ever been nudged?

People make countless decisions every day, most of them unconsciously, without time-consuming consideration and rational analysis. Nudges can help…

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20 April 2023 | Online

April 2023

Web-Ex-seminar: Attacks on information security - experiences and prevention

With the increasing networking and remote maintenance of systems, the risk of cyber attacks is growing. The EU has therefore specifically established…

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2 March 2023

March 2023

Online Event "Legal Aspects in Occupational Safety"

Machine safety and the life cycle of technology - what do courts say on the subject? What does the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health recommend…

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02 March 2023, 10:00 a.m. | Bilbao

March 2023

Press conference for the presentation of the Urbino Charter

On 2 March at 10:00, the Rubes Triva Foundation and the Olympus Observatory of the Carlo Bo University of Urbino in Bilbao will present the Urbino…

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