

October 2022

Good examples from practice

see new videos under:

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September 2022

New contents on design for all (universal design)

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August 2022

Fact Sheet No. 4 published: Carry out updates safely: indispensable even in small businesses!

Fact Sheet (PDF)

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June 2022

New publication on explosion protection: safety of liquefied natural gas facilities - propane and butane

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May 2022

New contents on OSH and work system design

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April 2022

New information sheet explosion protection: Tightness of installation parts and connections

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March 2022

Scientific Symposium on "Machine and System Safety in Digital Transformation" of the ISSA-Section Machine and System Safety: Presentations online

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February 2022

Please have a look on the new structured subsite: https://www.safe-machines-at-work.org/digital-manufacturing/

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January 2022

Log4j security gap also endangers occupational safety

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November 2021

Join the virtual ICOH – ISSA seminar "5G at workplaces: technical aspects and human exposure"

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